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Green Schools Flag 8 Global Citizenship- Marine Environment.


 Holy Family School has been participating in the Green Schools Programme since the school opened in 2007. To date the school has achieved 7 flags. We are currently working towards our 8th flag- Global Citizenship- Marine Environment.

Our Green Schools Committee is made up of 2 members from each class from 1st to 6th We have Green Schools meetings where we discuss our plans to keep our school green.


Our code for flag 8 Global Citizenship- Marine Environment is “Protectors of the sea is what we need to be” The current 2nd class came up with this code and we think it is very catchy. Our codes for our other flags are displayed on our Green School Notice board.


Our Green Schools Notice Board is outside Mr. Dineen’s 6th class room.  Our principal Mr. Horan also fills the classes in with any information about the Green Schools through the school intercom. We really enjoy litter picking. Different classes take part in litter picking in our school. We have litter pickers and gloves for picking up the litter.



We also have class Litter and Energy wardens in each class. The Litter wardens job is to remind everyone in the classes to use the correct bins. Every bin in each class is labelled to make this as easy as possible for everyone. We also encourage all classes to take home their own waste and recycle at home. The Energy warden is in charge of turning off the lights, whiteboard and any other electrical appliance when they are not in use. There is a ‘LOLO’ poster under each light switch in each classroom. It stands for ‘Last Out Lights Off’. We also make sure to close the doors at break times to keep the heat in. We remind everyone to turn off the taps when finished and not let them running. We learned about the Nasty nine and Think Before you Flush campaign this year.


Last year, the Green Schools Committee did an environmental review. Classes did the ‘Marine Awareness Survey’ Classes. We repeated this survey and were happy to learn that there was a good improvement in all areas. We also did a plastic survey bottle survey in our school and we are proud to learn that there has been a great improvement in our school and more people are using reusable bottles now. 98% of pupils surveyed use a reusable bottle. The results of both of these surveys are on our Green Schools noticeboard.


After we did the review we made our Action Plan which is available on our Green Schools Notice Board. There are also some interesting facts about marine litter and wildlife on our board, as well as pictures of some of the activities that we have completed in the last 2 years. 5th class completed projects based on the marine environment this year such as marine litter, climate change, microplastics and overfishing.


3rd to 6th class had a guest speaker in October from IRD Duhallow who spoke about our local River, the River Blackwater. We also got to examine various wildlife found in the river.



On January the 26th we had our Action Day. We all wore blue clothing. Each class completed lessons on the marine environment. Juniors and seniors learned about sea creatures and coloured in pictures. 1st class coloured chalk drew marine animals on the school yard and 2nd learned about marine litter and created posters to encourage others to protect our marine environments. 3rd class learned about the Mariana Trench and drew some marine animals. 4th class learned about the Great Garbage Patch and wrote some acrostic poems. 5th and 6th class learned about climate change. 5th class went around to each class to tell them facts about the breakdown of marine litter. Each class also made an environmental pledge. In the evening the Green Schools Committee went litter picking. We had a great day.


 We also used our Action Day as an opportunity to have a Single Use Plastic Free Day. Students and staff were encouraged to make an effort to ditch the disposables that day. Well done everyone!


Holy Family school have done a lot of work in class based on the theme of marine environment over the last two years. Last year our current 2nd class took part in the Seakeepers Project. They learned about different sea creatures such as the bask shark .5th class are also taking part in this project this year. They have learned about the moon jellyfish so far. They were shocked to learn that it had no brain. All classes watched lots of videos and did marine lessons during marine week last April. 5th class also took part in a zoom webinar with a marine zoologist in November.


Last year’s Green Schools Committee planted bulbs last March. A whole school recycling art competition was held in December. The decorations were fabulous. Some classes took part in a recycling webinar by Kerry County Council. They learned about the website www.waste.ie.


On the 7th of February our Green Schools Committee met with Angela Wall, from an Taisce. We prepared a speech on all the fantastic work being done in our School. She was very impressed. Well done to our Green Schools Committee.


Well done to members of the Green Schools Committee who travelled to Killarney to collect our 8th Green Schools flag. It was a fantastic day.