Holy Family N.S. is a Roman Catholic School created
by the amalgamation of Convent N.S. and
St. Josephs B.N.S.
We intend to embody the vision of Nano Nagle together
with the ethos of St. Josephs B.N.S. Our school provides
its students with education for life and living;
and celebrating the Christian vision of life;
faith, discipline, freedom and an appreciation of our
cultural heritage.
Our school is a centre of formation enabling each
individual to become aware of the dignity and value
of each person and the interdependence of the human
race. It
facilitates the growth and development of all
sections of the school community and gives due
recognition to all other religions.
Holy Family N.S. will endeavour to enhance the
self-esteem of everyone in the school community, to
imbue in the pupils respect for people and property
and to encourage in them the idea of being
Déanfaimid iarracht Gaeilge a labhairt.