Holy Family NS Twitter Account

Agree to Agree Pilot Project

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our pupils from 3rd to 6th class for engaging with the Agree to Agree Pilot programme. This programme aims to guide our school community through a collaborative process aimed at implementing positive change, fostering agreement and understanding among our stake holders in order to establish a new norm for children's use of internet enabled devices. Our pupils engaged honestly with this survey and approached the topics of conversation with immense maturity and we in HFNS couldn't be prouder. Well done to you all.
Thank you also to the parents of our wonderful students who took the time to engage with our questionnaire. 
It's wonderful to see that we all want a safe online environment for our students and with a collaborative approach we can achieve this. 
Míle buíochas. 

Below are the survey results for 3rd class, 4th to 6th and parents. 

  Third Class Feedback


 Fourth to Sixth Class Feedback


 Parent's Feedback