Holy Family NS Twitter Account

Dear Parents,

We look forward to welcoming your child/children to Kids Club from September 2023.

Please find attached the handout from the recent Information Evening and Book In Form needed to enrol your child in the Kids Club Breakfast and Afterschool Club.

Please download and complete in full the attached Book In form and return to the letter box in Emmas preschool in Rathmore village or post to Emma Cooper, Rathbeg, Rathmore. Please return by 31st July 2023.

To apply for the NCS subsidy please log onto ncs.gov.ieand select Universal Subsidy OR Income Assessed subsidy to receive your CHICK code. Please note all children are entitled to a subsidy, which varies from €1.40 - €5.10 per hour depending on income/family circumstances. This code will be required to avail a reduced rate from September.

To clarify on some points which were brought up at the Information evening:

1. Parents who Job Share/work off a roster will be catered for.

2. Last minute bookings will be accepted where possible, as long as ratios are adhered to.

3. Snacks are preferable but we are looking into providing the facilities to store and reheat food from home for those on long days. We will have this in place from September.

4. Bills will be sent via email fortnightly, and you will have the option to pay online or with cash.

5. If you need an older sibling to collect a younger sibling at 2.50pm for home or bus we will need written consent from parents. Or if you require Kids Club staff to drop a child to the bus at 2.50pm, we will need written consent. 

Any queries/questions please email hfkidsclubrathmore@hotmail.com

Kind Regards,

Siobhán & Emma

Booking Form etc on right hand side of blog.