Holy Family NS Twitter Account



We have the great pleasure of inviting you to attend our exciting Book Fair.  We feel that this is a wonderful opportunity to promote the love of reading.  However, parents should not feel under pressure to spend a lot of money at the Book Fair.

Date: Thurs. 13th  & Mon. 17th  Oct.

Time:  9.10am – 10.10 am & 1.50 pm -2.50 pm

Place: G.P. Room  Holy Family N.S.


In addition to the above times, each class will have the opportunity to attend the fair with their class teacher.  It will be possible for the children to purchase books during the aforementioned visits.  However, younger children should be accompanied by their Parents if possible at the above times.  Click HERE to view a digital brochure, which illustrates some of the books in stock.  The commission will be used to top up our school libraries in each classroom.




Coffee Morning and Cake Sale for Brian Lawlor – Friday 14th October 2022


We are delighted to be able to host a Coffee Morning and Cake Sale for Brian Lawlor and all proceeds go directly to his family. We wish him a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him in his Holy Family N.S. uniform in the not too distant future.


As it is almost upon us, we want to give you an itinerary of the day’s events.

We know that you will all be busy baking for this event and we gratefully accept and appreciate all your efforts. We will need a lot and maybe you can ask family and friends to help out as well.   Even if you are not baking maybe you could buy some and donate to our cake sale.  All items will be much appreciated.  (Please put your name on all containers, trays, plates, etc as we cannot guarantee that your container will be returned).


We will have gluten free products available on the day.

Children with allergies are welcome to bring their own treats in their lunch box and make a donation if they wish.


We will accept baking from 1pm to 5.30pm on tomorrow Thursday or if you are picking up children at 1.50pm or 2.50pm this would be a good time as well. 


On Friday morning -  You can  drop off baking when dropping children to school or earlier as we will be open at 8am.



For those who cannot attend the Coffee Morning and Cake Sale,

we have:

“Grab and Go” tea/coffee with croissant for €3 -

This is available from 8.30am – 9.30am

(Please tell anyone who is passing or going to work at this time)

All Welcome

During this time also we have on sale:

(1)  Raffle Tickets for Adult draw -  €2 for 1 strip €5 for 3 strips

      Please see prizes below

(2)  Line Draw for signed Kerry Jersey  -  €5 per line



9.30am to 12.30pm  -  Coffee Morning and Cake Sale

– All Welcome


All welcome to come to the GP hall and people can sit and chat and enjoy the beautiful confectionery.  You can also buy some confectionery and bring away with you.  Spread the word.....


Raffle tickets for Adult draw and Line draw will also be on sale. 

Bake Sale for Pupils

1pm to 2.30pm  -  Each class will be taken  to GP hall. They can bring their lunch boxes and purchase some items of their choice.


The children have been fantastic in buying tickets and we acknowledge and gratefully appreciate all the parents’ generosity enabling the children to purchase the tickets for the children’s draw.  The children are very excited about all the prizes and they can purchase tickets for this raffle until Friday.


There is a tremendous amount of organising in this event and we thank everyone for their help and support.


€2 for one strip of tickets

€5 for three strips of tickets


1: The First Draw will be for the children in the school and will take place on Friday 14th. 

2: The Second Draw will be for the adults and will take place on Friday the 14th also. 


3: Our Third Draw €5 per line with a chance to win a signed KERRY JERSEY will take place on the 11th of November. 


Prizes for draws one and two are listed below. 


DRAW ONE - Pupil's Raffle


1: A birthday party hosted by The Animal Shack valued at €150

2: €20 voucher for Kerry GAA Store

3: €20 voucher for Kerry GAA Store

4: €20 voucher for World of Wonder

5: Football signed by Shane Ryan and Paul Murphy

6: Football signed by Shane Ryan and Paul Murphy

7: A night OFF HOMEWORK for the whole class

8: An extra hour of PE for the class

9: An hour of FREE TIME for the Class

10: A movie with popcorn for all the class

11: Hot Chocolate for all the class

12: A NO UNIFORM DAY for the class. 



DRAW TWO: Adult Raffle


1: A hamper from Hickeys Centra

2: A €50 voucher for Linda's Restaurant

3: A €50 voucher for O’Keeffe’s XL Stop and Shop

3: €20 voucher for Hickeys Centra

4: €20 voucher for Tesco