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In the morning of Wednesday 3rd May the First Communion class from Holy Family National School created a beautiful “Pollinator Patch” in the Nun’s Graveyard.  The children were helped by Chris Barron and Therese Higgins and Laura O’Leary and Martha Barron. Each child planted a number of different flowers which will be particularly good for providing nectar and pollen for bees and butterflies.  They also planted a Rowan tree which will produce flowers for the insects and berries to help feed the birds during the autumn and winter.
While the children were busy planting they learnt about the importance of compost and earth worms in the soil, they inspected the roots of the different plants and heard how bees and butterflies have long tongues to help them to drink the nectar from the plants.  They also learnt that bees like to feed from plants of the same kind at the one time so it is important to plant the same species of plant together in clumps to help the bees to do this.
The children also learnt how we depend on bees and other insects to pollinate some of the plants and crops that we rely on for food and why it is important to help look after the plants and animals that we share God’s earth with.
One of the last jobs of the day was given to Ms. Collins, the class teacher.  This was to erect a “Bug Hotel” which will provide a sheltered spot for insects to hibernate in during the winter time.