Holy Family NS Twitter Account

Engineering Week 4th to 10th of March

   We are delighted to announce that we are applying for The Curios Minds Platinum STEM Award in April. 

Over the last few months we have engaged in Maths, Science and Technology activities. 
Next week is Engineering week and we have lots of activities planned for the children in the coming weeks.

We would be delighted if parents/guardians could get on board with this initiative. 

Here's how you can contribute.......


1: Engage in some science/engineering activities at home 

2: Bring in your experiment to your class teacher 


3: Send ONE picture of it to


Remember to put your name in the subject box.

When pupils engage in science/engineering at home they will receive a Science/Engineering Certificate and will get WRITTEN HOMEWORK OFF for one night. 

Below are some experiments you could try or if you have some of your own even better.

Many Thanks & Enjoy


Few more experiments in this page below, scroll down on the right hand side to see: