Holy Family NS Twitter Account

 There will be three days of practice tournaments, culminating in Lá Fichille – a one day celebration of chess in Irish primary schools. 

Tournaments will take place on the following dates:

  1. 6th November at 6.05pm

  2. 13th November at 6.05pm

  3. 20th November 1.30pm (in school) and 6.05pm

  4. 27th November Lá Fichille – 1.30pm (in school) and 6.05pm

Here are the links for this Wednesday’s tournaments @ 6.05pm:

Masters (5th and 6th):


Buds (4th and under):


 Login to your own lichess accounts and follow the link and click on JOIN. Once you have joined the tournament, just wait until it begins and you will be paired with an opponent automatically. The tournaments last for 45 mins. Once a match is completed, you wait to be paired with another opponent.

This Friday November 8th, the Amber Flag Committee will host a bring and buy Cake Sale in the G.P. Hall to raise funds for activities to promote the wellbeing of all in our school. All baking/bought items will be gratefully accepted on Friday morning. Please ensure all containers you want returned are labelled. All classes will get an opportunity to purchase some baked delights during the day. Thanks for your continued support. 

Billy was the lucky winner of Paul Murphy’s Kerry jersey. Thanks so much to all who supported our raffle.